Tag Archives: UX Design Day

Failing companies the most open to new ideas – Wes Yun, UX Design Day

“The most exciting places to work are those big companies that are failing. They’re most open to ideas, they have nothing to lose. They’re looking for the Hail Mary pass.” [American gridiron quarterback’s hope and a prayer hurl of the … Continue reading

Posted in cloud computing, contract writer, education, Entrepreneur, high tech, Innovation, IT, Prototyping, SciBlogs, technology, writer for hire | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

The heart of the matter, and a matter of the heart, is design by intention

Seeing as on the design side of things I’m more in the ‘I know when it works, I just don’t know how to do it properly’ camp…here’s a plug to the UX Design Day. UX stands for User Experience – … Continue reading

Posted in cloud computing, contract writer, Entrepreneur, Innovation, IT, SciBlogs, technology, writer for hire | Tagged , , | Leave a comment