
Stick writers have a background in science and engineering and ‘life’, rather than in English and literature.

By nature we’re scribes who enjoy explaining the complex, firing fine porcelain from the clay of technical facts.

science, technology writing expertise

Stick’s main scribbler is Peter Kerr. He has an Agricultural Science degree from longer ago than he cares to think about. Along the way he has been a new ideas consultant, journalist, oil-rig roughneck, farm worker, salesman and novel writer – though not necessarily in that order.

He has also been mid-wife to Harry Mills writing of Secret SAUCE – a guide and template to writing persuasive messages. Secret SAUCE continues to be a major influence on the systematic approach Stick takes to its writing. (Scroll down the page to ‘Crafting persuasive messages’)

Stick is also a sister company to Punchline – a business dedicated to crafting million dollar messages for proposals, presentations, campaigns, brands and taglines.

Stick loves the challenge of simplifying the complex, without dumbing it down.

If you have such a complex challenge, give us a yell. A discussion is always the start point to end with a story that explains what you’re up to.

peterk(at)punchline.biz +64 21 0696 040