Author Archives: sticknz

About sticknz

sticK is by Peter Kerr, a writer for hire. I have a broad science and technology background and interest, with an original degree in agricultural science. My writing speciality is making the complex understandable. I am available for outside consultancy work, and for general discussions of converting a good idea into something positive

To serve and protect? Strategies for an artificially super-intelligent future

Vantage Consulting director David Miller is leading a presentation and discussion on the global risks arising from super-intelligence as part of the Hutt City Council’s STEMM Festival. His talk takes place on Thursday May 18 from 5.30-6.30pm at The Dowse Art … Continue reading

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Fuelled adds an important string to the business cashflow bow

So what do you do when cashflow’s a bit tight? You have outstanding invoices to be paid, but have a few of your own bills that also need dealing with. Yes you could go to your traditional bank. But 15 … Continue reading

Posted in cloud computing, contract writer, Innovation, Market validation, technology | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Solving the part timer work conundrum

Matching both sides of the equation for part time jobs sounds like it should be easy. ‘Employer has limited hours required role = young person willing and happy to do it’. Sounds easy are the operative words though. Now, contrary … Continue reading

Posted in cloud computing, Entrepreneur, Innovation, start-up, technology | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Helping Kiwis fund the things they care about – a grown up Pledgeme says how it’s done

Well, hasn’t PledgeMe grown up. The crowdfunding platform is only five years old, but as its founder (and self-titled chief bubble blower) Anna Guenther told a Deloitte Private gathering recently, in that time it has managed over 1100 successful fundraising … Continue reading

Posted in contract writer, Entrepreneur, private equity, technology | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Mevo…(t)apping into the zeitgeist of non-car ownership

Mevo is an intriguing start up that Wellington’s Biz Dojo attracts at times. It is making a major play towards a future where we won’t own our own car, but will hire one as required. Additionally, Mevo’s also touting itself … Continue reading

Posted in Entrepreneur, high tech, Innovation, Market validation, start-up, sustainability, technology | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Big brains, big ideas, big discussions make Multicore World 2017 an important place to be

One of the dirty little secrets of computing is that the power of the processor(s) is currently way beyond our ability to program them. It’s as if you have a V8 powered car but only feeding fuel into one cylinder. … Continue reading

Posted in cloud computing, contract writer, IT, SciBlogs, technology, writer for hire | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Why we need to go back to the future (and give it a name)

Here’s a counter-intuitive notion, that if we’re smart, could allow our analogue agricultural systems to thrive in a digital world. But to do so we MUST own our story. My contention is, the more society connects to the cloud, the … Continue reading

Posted in contract writer, SciBlogs, Science, technology, value added food, writer for hire | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Why we should give some serious thought to a Science and Innovation Council

It’s that time of year when we fly  kites, give voice to possibilities. So, given we have a new Science and Innovation minister, namely Paul Goldsmith, how about exploring whether now is a good time to put seriously explore forming … Continue reading

Posted in contract writer, high tech, Innovation, SciBlogs, Science, Science policy, technology, writer for hire | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Clever solution to a quad bike problem

Here’s a great idea from someone who is (take your pick from, or choose the lot) young, entrepreneurial, agri-tech, female, creative, persevering, clever; and as it happens is a dag-hand at cake-making. Now the Biz Dojo (where Stick operates out … Continue reading

Posted in contract writer, Entrepreneur, Innovation, Market validation, Prototyping, start-up, writer for hire | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Global mindset drives Kiwi ‘stamp of approval’ enterprise

How does an organisation from the bottom of the world, excell internationally in verifying and stamping its approval on food quality and safety? The first answer is because New Zealand exports over 90% of the food it produces, and other … Continue reading

Posted in high tech, Innovation, Science, technology, value added food, value-added food. processed food, writer for hire | Tagged , , | Leave a comment