Tag Archives: Toby Ruckert

The Internet of Things (IoT): A slow burn until it can communicate with everything else

Occasionally, you come across a piece of thinking that makes you go, ‘oh, right, that’s a very interesting point’. So it is with a recent article by Toby Ruckert, CEO and Founder of Unified Inbox, a platform to bring and … Continue reading

Posted in cloud computing, contract writer, Entrepreneur, high tech, Innovation, SciBlogs, technology, writer for hire | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

The Power of Un-Location gets an airing

Toby Ruckert of Unified Inbox had an interesting blog recently – demonstrating what he has called the Power of Un-Location. (sticK had a blog on an earlier version of Unified Inbox here.) For a brief period while in Shanghai, he … Continue reading

Posted in cloud computing, Entrepreneur, Innovation, IT, SciBlogs, sustainability, technology | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

One place to access everything digital takes off its training wheels – Unified Inbox

When you simply state the idea of having one place where all forms of contact – email, Facebook, Twitter, text and others – end up in one place for reading and responding to, it sounds an eminently sensible thing to … Continue reading

Posted in cloud computing, Development, Entrepreneur, Innovation, IT, Prototyping, SciBlogs, technology | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Making a play for one place for everything

At a time when communication is (in theory) easier than ever, the overwhelming number of ways to connect means checking them all out can be a full-time job. Email, text, Facebook, other social networks, blogs, web apps, even something as … Continue reading

Posted in Angel investment, cloud computing, Entrepreneur, high tech, Innovation, IT, Prototyping, start-up, technology | Tagged , | Leave a comment