Tag Archives: research

‘Inside Innovation’ recognises that we’ve got a lot of work to do

It was called ‘Inside Innovation’, but Wellington’s policy-peoples’ group hug could have just as easily been called ‘Insider Innovation’. It was high level stuff, leavened with a presentation by Weta Digital. Part of the basis of the Tuesday half-day event … Continue reading

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Biological control gets around insect resistance, set to take on the world

The use of biological control methods using entomopathogens such as fungi is one way around the increasing pesticide resistance being developed by major crop pest insects according to Stephen Ford. Greentide Ltd.’s managing director says chemical pesticides will always have … Continue reading

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The word innovation has little meaning

The words ‘intellectual property’ is used to batter CRI’s and universities around the head according to Phillip Capper. The director of Wellington-based WEB Research says part of the problem is the over-used and undefined word, innovation. Innovation, as applied to … Continue reading

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‘Running Hot’ fails to answer its own premise

There’s two unanswered questions after day one of ‘Running Hot! 2010’, a Wellington conference about realising the value of research for New Zealand. How do you measure value, and who is doing the measuring? So far the closest thing to … Continue reading

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Scientists need to be able to shift, not stay in a silo

The New Zealand science system, and its connection with the real world, needs to be much more flexible, and allow seamless movements between academia, business and policy worlds. Speaking recently at the NZ Academy of Sciences conference in Wellington, the … Continue reading

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Robotics company better, miniaturised transmitter basis of business, Jetpack looking for takeoff – weekend roundup

Its fortunes took a tumble with the global recession, but Dunedin-based robotic and automated production systems maker Scott Technology is bouncing back. The NZ Herald reports Scott’s acquistion of Onehunga-based Rocklabs, with manufactures mineral analysis equipment used by the mining … Continue reading

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Government needs to realise that biotech company investments will probably fail

Governments should realise that a large percentage of its investment in start-up biotechnology companies will fail as such according to Jim Greenwood. The president of BIO, the overarching body for 1100 American biotechnology organisations, says most biotechnology companies will fail, … Continue reading

Posted in Early stage science, Entrepreneur, Science | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

CRIs show creativity in annual reports to government

The government may have signaled that the Crown Research Institutes aren’t as obliged as they have been in the past to fire ‘profits’ back to their owner, but that shouldn’t stop New Zealand checking out how well they’ve performed in … Continue reading

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Kiwi egalitarianism fragments the nation’s science efforts

Trying to be fair and even handed in that great kiwi egalitarian tradition may be having detrimental effects on the country’s science, and ultimately, innovation output. New Zealand has a number of fragmented research centres and researchers scattered around the … Continue reading

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Chief science advisor’s role morphs during his first year

So, what’s a prime minister’s scientific eyes, ears and brains actually meant to do? Well, there’s more to the role of being the Prime Minister’s chief science adviser than Peter Gluckman originally reckoned when taking on the position last September, … Continue reading

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