Tag Archives: Lisa Buchan

Reading between the lines – an app to promote a book digital conversation

How can the book publishing world engage in a digital world? Amazon’s claimed much of the high ground in the ebook format, and others are scrambling with their own offers. At the same time, your traditional publishers aren’t going to … Continue reading

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New media + books = Literary Angels: friend recommendations set to fly

Literary Angels, a Facebook (with other social media to come) book socialising, tracking and selling tool, could be exactly what the publishing industry has been looking for. LA sets up a unique identity for a hard copy or e-book, allowing … Continue reading

Posted in Angel investment, Entrepreneur, Innovation, proprietary, Prototyping, SciBlogs, technology | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

An angel lines up in books’ corner

Here are two aspects of books – an industry ripe for a social media makeover. Firstly, chances are, if you’ve had a good read lately, you’ve told someone else about it. Secondly, with the sometimes predicted death of printed books … Continue reading

Posted in Angel investment, cloud computing, Development, Entrepreneur, Innovation, SciBlogs, sustainability, technology | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments