Tag Archives: forte management

Our culture’s deeply embedded, but we can overcome our weaknesses

As a nation becomes poorer (relative or perceived), it becomes more risk averse according to Tony Smale. This has important implications for New Zealand as efforts to innovate and become more prosperous seemingly flounder in spite of best practice economic … Continue reading

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Understanding and acting on Kiwi cultural weaknesses allows overseas success

By understanding our culture’s inherent weaknesses when trying to grow businesses overseas, New Zealand will have a much better chance of making really good money from them. “New Zealanders cling to a number of belief; beliefs that have become central … Continue reading

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Kiwis do the hard yards, then let value slip away

Kiwis are good at doing the hard yards of getting started and turning out new ideas, then let a surprising amount of value slip through our fingers. Forte Management director Tony Smale says that it is time New Zealanders recognise … Continue reading

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Kiwi character actually makes us hopeless at innovation

Perhaps all the money we pour into science in the hope it will deliver new products is a waste of time in the New Zealand context. Sure, we might invent something, but our pioneer-like attitude means we lose at the … Continue reading

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