Tag Archives: atlantis healthcare

Separate research institute will complement Atlantis’ business model

A bit of a plug for Atlantis Healthcare, and more particularly, a clever initiative it is about to unveil. The company’s Auckland-based, but is an increasingly global business that helps patients stick to their prescriptions and lifestyle changes. The company … Continue reading

Posted in education, Innovation, private equity, technology | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Thinking about (other peoples’) thinking basis of global business – Atlantis Healthcare

Give it some thought, and you’d have to say that thinking is the ultimate weightless export. It is exactly what New Zealand’s been encouraged to ‘produce’ as well as milk, meat, wood and scenery that have been our, forgive the … Continue reading

Posted in education, high tech, Innovation, technology | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

NZ’s largest single VC recipient picks up another international prize (Atlantis Healthcare)

An Auckland-based global company, that in August was the target of New Zealand’s largest single venture capital investment, has picked up an international award. Atlantis Healthcare has unique programmes that help patients stick to their courses of treatment, where particularly … Continue reading

Posted in awards, Innovation, proprietary, Science | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments