Monthly Archives: December 2013

Callaghan Innovation’s evolution gets curiouser and curiouser

The analogy of Alice in Wonderland, and curiouser and curiouser comes to mind with Callaghan Innovation. That and a type of ennui as the 14-months-in-existence Crown Agent struggles to come into life. Firstly, rumour has it (from a number of … Continue reading

Posted in contract writer, Early stage science, Entrepreneur, high tech, Innovation, Market validation, Prototyping, SciBlogs, Science, Science policy, start-up, technology, writer for hire | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

We’re getting over our notions of shame around business failure

I’m putting the proposition out there that we’re getting over our collective Kiwi hang-up about startup and business failure. That is, whereas in the past we’d write somebody off for having tried, and been not successful in a new business … Continue reading

Posted in Angel investment, contract writer, Entrepreneur, Innovation, Market validation, Prototyping, SciBlogs, Science, start-up, technology, writer for hire | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

The problem around, and more importantly some answers to, cranking up our startup ecosystem

Let’s hope for our sake that ‘Five ways New Zealand can accelerate a sustainable high-tech ecosystem’ doesn’t receive a “not invented here” rebuff from government and others. (You can get an executive summary at the above link, or, by sharing … Continue reading

Posted in Angel investment, contract writer, Entrepreneur, high tech, Prototyping, SciBlogs, start-up, writer for hire | Tagged , | Leave a comment