Separate research institute will complement Atlantis’ business model

A bit of a plug for Atlantis Healthcare, and more particularly, a clever initiative it is about to unveil.

The company’s Auckland-based, but is an increasingly global business that helps patients stick to their prescriptions and lifestyle changes. The company makes individualized programmes that use email, face to face and other means to help people stay healthier. Many of its programmes are software based.

For the dramatically increasing numbers of diabetes, asthma and obesity patients, non-adherence is a major problem that costs health budgets billions of dollars, and Atlantis is clipping the ticket by improving outcomes.

Atlantis‘ London base has grown to 40 people from 15 in the past year, and the company says it has the world’s largest psychological team dedicated to prescription non-adherence.

One of the smart things the 15 year old private company is about to do, is set up a research institute to sit alongside its Auckland office. This will also be virtual, with the purpose of “encouraging and assembling the best academic minds to contribute to body of evidence,” says Atlantis chief executive Michael Whittaker.

The institute will have a level of independence from Atlantis itself, be resourced separately and carry out and assemble its own evidence-based research.

Some of this research will be around the side effects of pain says Whittaker, especially as it relates to individuals and medicines.

Atlantis has plugged itself into a worldwide opportunity and is growing rapidly in Europe, the Middle East and America. Asia is in its sights too.

By establishing a separate, but aligned research institute, it is positioning itself for its next phase of growth, while keeping onside with the huge number of health researchers who genuinely work and believe in the greater good.

Clever thinking from sticK’s point of view – and certainly not the last we’ll hear of this company.

(Other sticK stories on Atlantis here, and here)

About sticknz

sticK is by Peter Kerr, a writer for hire. I have a broad science and technology background and interest, with an original degree in agricultural science. My writing speciality is making the complex understandable. I am available for outside consultancy work, and for general discussions of converting a good idea into something positive
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